Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Gary Hartman

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Dust-Off 2001 Dust-Off 2003 Dust-Off 2004 Dust-Off 2006
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The Heart of America Chapter's Spring Dust-Off was held April 17, 2004 at Broome Oldsmobile in Independence, MO. We had an excellent show, although the car count was smaller than last year.

The results from the show are:

Enjoy some pictures of the event, courtesy of Tim McClellan:

How in the world do I wind up in these pictures every year?
This beautiful H/O-styled Vista Cruiser (used in the Indy 500 for the Medical Director) had a lot of viewers that day!

Indy 500 Vista Cruiser

Now this is contrast! A Curved Dash sitting next to a Cutlass and a Vista Cruiser.
Car Show Picture

Old, new, front-wheel-drive, rear-wheel-drive, we had 'em all!
Car Show Picture

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Created 6/24/04, Revised 3/20/17.
Site design and maintenance by Ken Snyder Online
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