Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Gary Hartman

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Dust-Off 2001 Dust-Off 2003 Dust-Off 2004 Dust-Off 2006
Columbia '03 Columbia '04   Tan-Tar-A '05 Tan-Tar-A '06   W-O-W '03 W-O-W '08


The Heart of America Chapter's Spring Dust-Off was held April 22, 2006 at Broome Chevrolet in Kansas City, MO. Through the efforts of Keith Goosey and Gary Hartman we had a very successful show, with 28 cars registered.

The results from the show are:

Paul Broome, owner of Broome Chevrolet/Cadillac personally managed the grill and cooked burgers and hot dogs for us -- THANKS PAUL!  And thanks for a great location for the show.

Thanks to Virginia for doing the registration and selling shirts -- we made profit!

By the way, if anyone has a picture or two of the show, drop me a note as to where they are (or send them to me) and I'll post them or link to them here!

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Created 5/9/06, Revised 3/20/17.
Site design and maintenance by Ken Snyder Online
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